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Every person within our community has space at the home fire, and a role within our respected communities.During this event, CAAN will highlight some of the work that our Indigenous Men’s and Women’s Leadership Coordinators have been doing throughout the year. CAAN Knowledge Keepers will discuss traditional roles we hold as community members. We will dive into the teachings beyond the binary terminology used, with the “9 Genders Research/Teachings”.

Register in advance for this meeting:https://us06web.zoom.us/…/tZAscOupqzkiHtLDcJ7CCHr4dwPhT…
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
December 3, 202110AM-12PM [PST] | 11AM-1PM [MST] | 12-2PM [CST] |1-3PM [EST]| 2-4PM [AST] | 2:30-4:30PM [NST]