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Fireside Chat: Digging Deep—”Examining the Root Causes of HIV & AIDS among Aboriginal Women”

This project began in 2013 and concluded in 2018. It is a partnership between Dr. Carrie Bourassa (Morning Star Lounge) and Margaret Kisikaw Piyesis (All Nations Hope Network).

Our goal was to focus on Indigenous women and their life experiences as part of helping the women and All Nations Hope Network develop evidence-based community solutions that are culturally safe and focused on the strengths and assets of the women we worked with. To develop models of culturally appropriate care that meet the needs of HIV and HCV-positive Indigenous women. To under the contributing causes of HIV in Saskatchewan.

Carolyn Pelletier
Miranda Keewatin

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Carrie Martin for a Zoom link to this month’s session.