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CAAN: Rebranding Report (October 2020)

The organization has been listening and talking to members regarding the re-branding of the Network. There have been several suggestions. One that came to light was Communities, Alliances And Networks (CAAN).

We would keep as this has much history of the organization. The acronym would change meaning, along with the vision.

Here are the words of the ancestors:

The people were sent from the stars, seeded in Mother Earth, grown from the land, and taught by nature of Mother Earth under Father Sky and, following the laws of Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun, held in the center of the four directions. When this is understood, a rebirth of living, learning, sharing, healthy communities will emerge on turtle’s back.

Given to Betty McKenna on October 16, 2020 in pipe ceremony from the Man in the Stone Canoe.

The full report will be presented at our 2021 AGM.